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ODYSSEUS Presence in RISE-SD 2024 in Chalkidiki, near Thessaloniki, Greece 16-17 October 2024

ODYSSEUS is actively present in RISE-SD 2024 hosted in Porto Karras in Chalkidiki, Greece. Project partners have the opportunity to discuss with researchers and stakeholders from all around Europe, many of which are involved in co-hosted or related projects, and to communicate the exciting results of the project over the past three years of hard work and achievements.

The final ODYSSEUS Field Trials hosted by the Protection and Guard Service (Serviciul de Protecţie şi Pază – SPP)  in Bucharest, Romania, 23-27 September 2024.

The fifth and final field trials of the ODYSSEUS project were hosted in the beautiful Snagov Palace by our partners, SPP. We were all privileged to participate in the last “field” act of the ODYSSEUS project in a little piece of heaven, where both the software tools and the field tools were successfully tested and demonstrated in front of the project’s end-users as well as distinguished guests. The final act of ODYSSEUS found all people involved excited with the outcomes, a product of the partners’ solid work overall, as well as a well organized and coordinated hosting by our partners. A three-year effort bearing fruit and hopefully leaving us all with fond memories of our achievements.

ODYSSEUS Field Trials hosted by the Police Service of Northern Ireland in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 18-21 June 2024.

The fourth field trials of ODYSSEUS brought our consortium together in Belfast, in close succession to the trials of April. In a week of nice weather and a warm hospitality, all partners had the chance to test and demonstrate the ODYSSEUS tools in yet another operational context and produce useful conclusions towards the final trials of ODYSSEUS. Guests had the opportunity to be briefed for all tools present and viewed the ODYSSEUS solution from the headquarters to the field.


ODYSSEUS “Explosives Detection” Joint Workshop with INHERIT and MELCHIOR projects, hosted by the Hellenic Police and KEMEA in the Forensic Science Division Auditorium in Athens, Greece, 12 April 2024.

The second project workshop of ODYSSEUS, titled “Explosives Detection” took place on April 12th in the auditorium of the Forensic Science Division of the Hellenic police, co-organized and co-hosted by the Hellenic Police and KEMEA. The workshop hosted the INHERIT and MELCHIOR projects, which contributed with interesting presentations, complementing the content of the ODYSSEUS project on novel, promising technologies for explosives’ and precursors’ detection. We had the pleasure of hosting many people online and in presence from various backgrounds and organizations, and had a chance to both present our latest advancements and receive enthusiastic feedback on the content presented.


ODYSSEUS Field Trials hosted by the Hellenic Police in Markopoulo, Greece, 9-11 April 2024.

The ODYSSEUS consortium gathered once more, in Greece, for the third field trials of the project, hosted by the Hellenic Police in the testing and training facilities located in Markopoulo. In an intense week, end-users of the ODYSSEUS consortium, as well as guests from several branches of the Hellenic Police, had an opportunity to see the full breadth of the ODYSSEUS software and field tools in action, tested in realistic conditions, simulating real-life operational scenarios. Airborne precursor detection along with water sampling in intricate outlets, as well as remote UGV crime scene manipulation, were accompanied by all ODYSSEUS software tools, providing early detection capabilities through web-crawling for precursor related data as well as supply-chain monitoring intelligence outcomes.







ODYSSEUS Field Trials hosted by AAWA in Vicenza, Italy, 6-9 November 2023.

The ODYSSEUS consortium convened once more under the warm hospitality of L’ Autorità di bacino Distrettuale delle Alpi Orientali (AAWA) in the city of Vicenza for the second field trials of the project between November 6th and November 9th. During the second field trials, project partners had the opportunity to view more of the ODYSSEUS tools in action both online, in person, as well as in the field, and experience the capabilities of the project’s components with regards to the determination of a chemical compound’s concentration in a sewer network, enabling the tracing of its release source, as well as the remotely-operated water sampling using a UGV-deployed liquid sensor, to facilitate this process.

T4i engineering: The winner of the 2023 European Commission Security Innovation Award [SRE 2023, Brussels]

T4i engineering, ODYSSEUS consortium partner, received the European Commission (EC) Security Innovation Award for their product, T4i DOVER®, in a special ceremony in Brussels on 24th of October 2023. The award recognizes innovative solutions stemming from EU funded security research that have achieved significant success in market uptake of research results.

For more information, see the official EC announcement:

We are all proud to be working closely together with a recognized and award-winning partner in an exciting project!

#EUSecurityResearch  #SRE2023 #ODYSSEUS #project #T4i #DOVER


Technical partners working meeting hosted at KEMEA, Athens, Greece 13 October 2023.

ODYSSEUS technical partners, end users and technology providers came together at the KEMEA premises in Athens in October to discuss current project issues and plan ahead for an intense and exciting year for the project. Component specifications and design, field trial preparations, user requirements and other outstanding issues were discussed and we coordinated our efforts for a productive course ahead!


ODYSSEUS Field Trials in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria June 19-23, 2023.


The ODYSSEUS consortium gathered in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria under the warm hospitality of BDI, to attend the first field trials of the ODYSSEUS Project. During an intense and productive week, all consortium partners had an excellent opportunity to make contact with the first working version of the ODYSSEUS components and enjoy a first glimpse of the full ODYSSEUS solution. Technology providers demonstrated the functionalities of their components to the end users, who were able to interact and simulate their use in a realistic scenario within the beautiful confines of the host area. Both online and field tools of the ODYSSEUS system impressed the audience and left a promising aftertaste for what follows in the project.


ODYSSEUS was hosted at the RISE-SD Symposium in Rhodes, Greece between May 29 and May 31, 2023.


ODYSSEUS was hosted in the RISE-SD symposium in Rhodes, Greece between May 29th and May 31st, 2023. During our presence in the event, the project coordinator, Prof. Col. Nikolai Stoianov from the Bulgarian Defence Institute had the opportunity to present the project thoroughly whilst ODYSSEUS partners could discuss the project as well as relevant subjects with other attendants. ODYSSEUS presence in the symposium was another great opportunity for the project to communicate its innovative concept and approach with an audience with interest and expertise.

ODYSSEUS was hosted at the DEFEA 2023, Tuesday 9 May 2023, 09:00 – Thursday 11 May 2023.

The ODYSSEUS project was hosted at the booth of KEMEA in the Defence Exhibition Athens, Europe’s largest defence & security exhibition, in #Athens between 09-11/05/23. During the event partners KEMEA partners were happy to welcome and inform participants regarding the project’s mission, vision, scope and exchange opinions and ideas! We also had a long tour around all exhibition booths, meeting people from a diverse background and broadening our outreach.


ODYSSEUS Project Newsletter Issue #1 – 29.03.2023

The first ODYSSEUS project Newsletter is here, download it to learn more about the updates of our project!

ODYSSEUS presentation at the final CREST conference, at ΚΕΜΕΑ, 21 February 2023.

ODYSSEUS was invited to give a project presentation at the CREST project final conference at the KEMEA premises in Athens. ODYSSEUS had the opportunity to present its overview and current achievements among familiar and new faces and exchange valuable information in a very friendly and positive environment. We are honored to have been invited in CREST’s final conference and we wish all the best in their future endeavours!

Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defence (RISE-SD) – 31.05/02.06.2022

ODYSSEUS participated in the RISE-SD event that took place from May 31st through June 2nd 2022 in the International Fair in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


Presented by:

Bulgarian Defence Institute

AFCEA Sofia Chapter

Information Technologies Institute


The RESEARCH AND INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM FOR EUROPEAN SECURITY AND DEFENCE (RISE-SD) aimed to provide a forum for scientific results dissemination and knowledge exchange, as well as networking opportunities for EU-funded projects in security and defence. In addition, the symposium was a platform for boosting cooperation among scientific organizations, defence industry, security and defence practitioners, policy makers, stakeholders.

The RISE-SD capitalized on the need to deepen collaboration between project teams and organizations to ensure a successful market uptake of the positive outcomes of security and defence research.

Towards that goal, the symposium was a great field for getting acquainted with the new strategies of the European Commission (EC), European Defence Agency (EDA), and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the area of security and defence R&I, as well as highlighting the opportunities for international cooperation.


ODYSSEUS Meeting – 17&18.03.2022 Bulgaria, Sofia

Hosted by the Bulgarian Defence Institute

The ODYSSEUS consortium gathered in Sofia for a project meeting focused mainly on user creation and sharing their vision for the ODYSSEUS tools application. Participants enjoyed a fruitful discussion regarding the user creation process of ODYSSEUS. During the meeting, they had the opportunity to exchange information, opinions and expertise on the envisioned applications of all project tools within the contemporary LEA operational context, as well as discuss ongoing project issues and deciding on the collaboration moving forward.

ODYSSEUS Kick-off Meeting – 20.10.2021



Press Release

On the 14th and 15th of October 2021 a Kick-off Meeting (KoM) took place regarding the Horizon 2020 ODYSSEUS Project. More than 30 representatives  of the ODYSSEUS Consortium participated in the meeting, which was carried out in hybrid mode with physical and virtual presence. During the KoM, the partners discussed the planned activities and made decisions about actions to be taken in the near future as part of the project.

ODYSSEUS is a research project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme under grant agreement no 101021857. The project will last for 36 months (1 October 2021 – 30 September 2023) and is funded with a total amount of about 5 Million Euros.

The ODYSSEUS project’s scope is to:

  1. Discover potentially hitherto unknown information about explosive precursors and HMEs (Home Made Explosives) based on (i) gathering, mining, and understanding HME-related multilingual and multimedia online content in order to extract knowledge about (possibly unknown) precursors, and (ii) the subsequent characterization and analysis of selected precursors, including precursors not previously studied, for the determination of their explosive properties, feasibility, and potential for becoming a threat through appropriate theoretical and experimental investigations and tests.
  2. Monitor chemical supply chain operations in order to identify anomalous patterns that may predict future threats.
  3. Detect potential threats in identified areas of interest, including detection of HMEs at the manufacturing stage.
  4. Facilitate mobile detection of explosive precursors by using Unmanned Autonomous (Aerial and Ground) Vehicles (UAVs/UGVs) equipped with the developed sensors.
  5. Support forensic investigations through automated sample collection by robotized tools.

ODYSSEUS will achieve innovation in multiple dimensions and examine, in a novel manner, the interplay among several factors affecting the intelligence, detection, and forensic aspects associated with explosive precursors, including aspects not previously considered (such as the chemical supply chains).

The ODYSSEUS consortium consists of 18 partners from academia and industry, namely Research (6), Academic (3), SME’s (3), Industries (2) and LEA’s (4) and reside in 11 European Countries and 1 in Observer State.

The Consortium

Coordinator: Bulgarian Defense Institute – BDI (Bulgaria) Partners: BAM (Germany), KEMEA (Greece), CERTH (Greece), AAWA (Italy), SEERC (Greece), CENTRIC (UK), FZU (Czech Republic), UNIVIE (Austria), T4i (Greece), TMR (Israel), ROB (Spain), INTRA (Luxemburg), MIRS (France), PSNI (UK), BayHFOD (Germany), SPP (Romania), HP (Greece)